Exploring Brand Loyalty in E-Commerce: Customer Loyalty Programmes And Private Labels Analysis As Per Competition Commission Of India
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The Internet may have been invented in the late 20th Century, but the Internet Revolution in India can be said to be taking place since 2016, which allowed for widespread accessible and affordable internet, leading to the exponential growth of e-commerce. In the present research article, the objective is to conduct a primary research regarding consumer preferences with regard to brand loyalty in the e-commerce sphere. Two important aspects of Customer Loyalty Programmes and Private Labels have been closely analysed in order to understand the consumer preferences and purchase patterns.
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How to Cite
Chatterjee, A. ., Shrivastava, D. G. ., & Sonule, D. V. . (2022). Exploring Brand Loyalty in E-Commerce: Customer Loyalty Programmes And Private Labels Analysis As Per Competition Commission Of India. BiLD Law Journal, 7(4s), 185–191. Retrieved from https://bildbd.com/index.php/blj/article/view/503