Procedures for Executive Seizure of Movable Funds with the Debtor

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PH. D Iman Tariq Al-Shukri
Waseem Jabbar Ibrahim AL-shammary


Attachment in its general sense is a means of coercing the debtor to fulfill, according to which execution is carried out by the public authority on the debtor's funds on which the law permits execution, where the rights of creditors are seized, sold and paid for by their establishment). [1] Dr. Saeed Mubarak, 2011)


  1. Saeed Mubarak, Provisions of the Implementation Law No. 45 of 1980, 4th Edition, Baghdad, Legal Library Distribution, 2011, p. 135.

  2. See Dr. Abbas al-Abboudi, Commentary on the Provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, Mosul, Dar al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing, Mosul, 2000, p. 315.

  3. Medhat Al-Mahmoud, Explanation of the Provisions of the Implementation Law, No. 45 of 1980 and its Practical Applications, Baghdad, Publications of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Justice, 1992, p. 176;


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How to Cite
Tariq Al-Shukri, P. D. I. ., & AL-shammary, W. J. I. . (2022). Procedures for Executive Seizure of Movable Funds with the Debtor. BiLD Law Journal, 7(4s), 277–286. Retrieved from