Malaysia’s Achievements and Contributions as a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 2015-2016
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“Why Malaysia wishes to be a Non-Permanent Member in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)” is a very interesting topic to be discussed. Malaysia is a small country in Southeast Asia but its contribution to world peace in the UNSC cannot be denied. Malaysia has experiences seated as Non-Permanent Members of UNSC since its independence in the following years; 1965-1966, 1989-1990, 1990-2000, and latest 2015-2016. Four times Malaysia has been selected as a Non-Permanent Member in the UNSC showing us that Kuala Lumpur played important role in global security. UNSC in general is composed of five permanent members and ten Non-Permanent Members. Since 1945, five permanent members are remaining the same veto power such as France, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and Russia. Meanwhile, the other ten Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC are elected on a rotating basis by geographic region. There are five geographic regions including Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Other. The ten Non-Permanent Members will be elected by the United Nations General Assembly for two-year terms. The main accountability of the UNSC is to preserve the international peace and safety of the world. Thus, Malaysia always wanted to be seated as a Non-Permanent Member of the UNSC. This paper will be discussed comprehensively Malaysia’s experiences as a Non-Permanent Member in the year 2015-2016. Among Malaysia’s achievements and contributions during two-year terms are the first; children and armed conflict issue, the second; issue of Palestine, the third; the concern over the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to non-state entities, and other issues of humanitarians.