The Formation of Legal Literature through Word Connection and Communication
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Today, the relationship between law and culture and how to deal with legal culture are two important issues in legal science, which perhaps lawyers have paid less attention to, but other social sciences understand this issue in dealing with legal science. Undoubtedly, the change of societies from monocultural to multicultural has caused culture to become a controversial legal issue that requires careful analysis and investigation. This article is devoted to problem of forming of a contextual guess in process of educating foreign students through word – formation aspect. Contextual guess can be attributed to the interdisciplinary area of interest in linguistics and pedagogy. The authors are developing a methodology for the gradual effective implementation of the development of the mentioned skill, taking into account various linguistic and cognitive aspects. There are presented the types of exercises aimed at the development of language guess are presented in the article. The results demonstrated in this article could be instantaneously applied in the learning process, in translation, analysis and listening to the texts containing unfamiliar words.